Mansion House (1830)
"The Lord
Mayor threw himself back in his
chair, in a state of frantic
delight at his own joke; every
vein in Mr. Hobler's countenance
was swollen with laughter partly
at the Lord Mayor's
facetiousness, but more at his
own; the constables and police
officers were (as in duty bound)
in ecstasies at Mr. Hobler and
the Lord Mayor combined; and the
very paupers, glancing
respectfully at the beadle's
countenance, tried to smile, as
even he relaxed." |

INFORMATION : Many years ago, a Blair family researcher mistakenly linked 'George Blair' to this Hobler family tree. Since then, others have been continuing to copy this incorrect information. James Francis and Mary's son George was an Australian pioneer who died in California.
To reiterate ... George Blair
is NOT
the son
of James Francis Helvetius Hobler.
Francis Helevitus Hobler
aka Francis Hobler was born in Soho, London on 19 July
Baptised as Jaques
Francois Helvetien Hobler
in the newly established Eglise Helvétique (Swiss
Protestant Church), Castle Street, Leicester Field on August
11th, James Francis was to become an important character
in the legal and political face of England in the early 1800s.
His eldest son Francis Hobler Jnr, was a respected London
Barrister; his younger son George, an influential Australian
was born into a comfortable lifestyle. His father John
Francis Hobler was an Huguenot Horologist who exported hand
crafted silver and gold watches to America and the East
Indies. His sister Mary Ann, married British born
Italian banker Alexander Sloan; while elder brother John
Paul Hobler, also an Horologist, was an accomplished tenor
who performed at Westminster Abbey and the Dury Lane Theatre.
website is dedicated to JFH Hobler, his family, ancestors and
descendants. |

JFH Hobler (aka)
Francis Hobler, Snr
Origins ::
research indicates that the ancestors of James Francis
Helvetius Hobler were Huguenots. It is not known
if they originate from France, as is generally the case with
French Protestants. An exact location is yet to be
established although their origins in Switzerland from the
1500s has been confirmed through associated research.
The Hobler
family may well have
fled France during the
sixteenth century
following religious persecution. Religious
intolerance in sixteenth and seventeenth century France
was based on the
notion that the crown ruled supreme - une
foi, un loi, un roi - one
faith, one law, one King. In January
1536, Huguenots were deemed heretics and as a result many
individuals were condemned to death. They were, along with
their prayer books, burnt at the stake or beheaded. Some were
slain were they stood with age and gender no barrier to
March 1562, approximately 1,200 Huguenots were
slaughtered in Vassy. And in August 1572, a further
8,000 Huguenots were massacred in the infamous attack at
St Bartholomew's. By the
time King Louis XIV's (1643-1715) had added his personal
motto - Je
suis l'état -
am the State
- civil and religious unrest had led to the
genocide of thousands of French Protestants and the
expatriation of thousands more. The Hobler
family may have been among the 8,000 persecuted Huguenots who
during 1549 and 1587 found refuge along the lake of Calvinist
Geneva. Certainly the time frame fits with current
family records. Equally, they may have migrated as German
protestants or be of Swiss origin.
John Calvin
(1509-1564) was commissioned to reform the church of Geneva in
the early 1500s. Along with a stern moral code, his key
theology was the incorporation of Church and State (similar to
modern Christianity). This new theology, in stark opposition
to existing Roman Catholic dogma, attracted many separatists
and by 1550 Geneva had become home for thousands of reformists
forced to abandon their own countries in search of religious
freedom. Swiss history claims that this influx bought with it an intellectual and moral elite primarily of French
origin and, to a lesser extent, Italian and German.¹
The notion
that the Hobler family (sometimes spelt Oublier, Oubler, Hubler,
Hublier etcetera) were French refugees as opposed to German or
Italian is supposition as a pedigree link to France is yet to
be established. The assumption of a French connection rests in
the residential location of the early Hoblers, which to date
has been traced to French speaking Cantons in Switzerland.
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This website
is a work in progress. Unfortunately accuracy cannot be
guaranteed. Family lines have been compiled as a guide only and discrepancies
are inevitable; please self verify all data. Enquires and
additions are welcome.
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appear in British format of day-month-year (dd/mm/yyyy)
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